I’m a frequent contributor and collaborator with many others and purely love writing.

I work with IndiCater as their nutritionist and contribute to monthly articles on everything from sustainability, food cost and how to make to make plant based eating more mainstream. Read my latest article on nutrition for the aging population.

I also work locally with Boys and Girls Nursery to ensure their menus meet current guidelines as well as providing guidance for parents and carers.

Other topics:

What do we make of millenials being the most overweight generation and moreso how can we help to fix it

The risk of unregulated nutrition

Fuelling for optimum performance


| Sunday Shutdown Series, Supplements | No Comments
These are doing the rounds again. Promoted by celebrities and influencers as a miracle cure when it comes to weight loss. Time to set the record straight. What are they?…


| Cooking, Recipes, Vegan | No Comments
I have been making this for years and it's so easy I wanted to share it. I have tweaked and changed the original recipe and now find this is the…


| Food for thought, Recipes | No Comments
Another one from Dad. Not gonna lie, grating beetroot is messy but the end result is worth it. Great on crackers with cheese or as a topping on a burger.…


| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
AKA the ketogenic diet. A very low carb, high fat and protein diet which aims to put your body into ketosis. Depending which advice you follow your carb intake could…

#39 A1 & A2 MILK

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #39 A1 & A2 MILK What is it? A1 and A2 refers to the type of casein found in milk. Casein is one of the main groups of proteins. A1…


| Cooking, Recipes, Vegan | No Comments
A few weeks ago we had a cauliflower to use. The BBQ was on so I took a chance and it worked. INGREDIENTS 1 x cauliflower Chilli oil Garlic Salt…

Nutrition as we age

| Food for thought, Guidelines, Hydration, Tips | No Comments
A topic I don’t spend enough time talking about, however it’s only after recent discussions with my parents, in laws and my husband’s 92 year old nan that I’ve realised…


| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #38 THE VEGAN DIET I was asked by one of my high school friends to cover this. And with good reason too. I have previously discussed it in my post…

#37 Soya

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #37 SOYA I get this question all the time – “but I heard soya isn’t good for you is it because of the estrogen?” Let’s debunk this shall we. What…

Pregnancy post #8 – my birth story

| Personal, Pregnancy | No Comments
The reason I am sharing my story is because when I was pregnant I found a lot of comfort in reading other mother’s stories and learning about all the different…

Pregnancy post #7 – Maternity leave & being self employed

| Personal, Pregnancy | No Comments
Finding out When I found out my due date was January 31st I was like brilliant (sarcasm), the busiest time of the year for the health and nutrition industry and…

Pregnancy post #6 – sleep

| Mood, Pregnancy, Tips | No Comments
This is important I want to talk about sleep. I was once that person that partied 4 nights a week, worked 15 hours a day and thought lack of sleep…

Pregnancy post #5 – second hand stuff and recycling

| Food for thought, Personal, Pregnancy, Tips | No Comments
Big fans... Being big fans of reusing and recycling when we found out about the new addition to our family we were adamant to do as much as we could…

Pregnancy post #4 – food

| Food for thought, Personal, Pregnancy | No Comments
Eating habits My eating habits were all over the place. In the first 6 months I literally ate so many carbs and sugar it was unbelievable. I used to consume…

Pregnancy post #3 – exercise

| Food for thought, Movement, Personal, Pregnancy | No Comments
It's beneficial Continuing to exercise once you’ve found out you are pregnant still gets a bad wrap, even though it’s 2020. There is countless research which tells us its safe.…


| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #36 SKINNY JABS I simply had to write about this after sharing a post on it earlier this week and getting quite a few DM’s. Celebrities endorse products they quite…

Pregnancy post #2 – being sick

| Food for thought, Pregnancy | No Comments
The nausea From when we found out about baby bean (as he was known from then on) the nausea continued. I was only physically sick once but had nausea pretty…

Pregnancy post #1 – the beginning

| Personal, Pregnancy | No Comments
Here goes… I don’t often write a lot of personal perspective stuff as all my nutrition work is based on science and research. However, when I found out I was…

#35 Milk and dairy (Part II)

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #35 MILK AND DAIRY (PART II)⠀ This is a question I get asked at almost every workshop or talk I run, via my social media and from friends…

#34 Mushroom supplements

| Sunday Shutdown Series, Supplements | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #34 MUSHROOM SUPPLEMENTS have hit the headlines and I’ve been asked about them a few times recently. Last year, there was even a mushroom latte released from a London…

Australia, my home land, my heart breaks for you

| Food for thought, Rants, Travel | One Comment
I’m so sad. I’m actually crying right now. But I had to sit and write this in the hope that it will help you all make change. Help you to…

#33 New years resolutions

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #33 NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS: because they will be across your feed for the next few weeks.⠀ The truth is... it’s estimated that around 80% of NY resolutions fail. Why.…

#32 Collagen

| Sunday Shutdown Series, Supplements | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #32 Collagen Collagen supplements are relatively new to the market and claims about health include maintaining a healthy gut, glowing skin, improved mood as well as promoting healthy hair,…

Plant drinks. Is yours fortified with iodine?

| Plant based, Supplements, Vegan, Vitamins | No Comments
Did you know that as humans our main source of iodine comes from cows milk. And that organic cows milk actually has a lower iodine concentration by around a third.…

Why I’m not eating my placenta

| Pregnancy, Supplements, Vitamins | No Comments
This may be too much information for some. But I felt it important to write, and also sum up the evidence on this topic.⠀ What is it? Making your placenta…

Zinc & colds

| Supplements, Vitamins | No Comments
Quite a timely post given I’m suffering this week. I have wanted to post on this for a long time, so here goes…⠀ Previous thoughts... It’s long been thought vitamin…

#31 BCAA’s

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #31 BCAA’S What are they? Branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) have been big business in the health and fitness industry for a while now. That being said I…

#30 Manuka Honey

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #30 MANUKA HONEY, is it worth the price tag?⠀ What is it? Manuka honey is native to New Zealand and is a product of the manuka tree where…

#29 The Alkaline Diet

| Sunday Shutdown Series | 34 Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #29 THE ALKALINE DIET What is it? The alkaline diet is based on the idea that the food and drink you consume can alter the pH of your body. It…

#28 The Fast 800

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #28 THE FAST 800⠀ A relatively new diet plan developed by Michael Moseley focusing on weight loss. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?⠀ The diet focuses…

#27 CBD

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #27 CBD⠀ What is it?⠀ Cannabidiol (CBD) is an oil derived from the cannabis plant. It is well known for its role in pain management and can be prescribed via…


| Plant based, Recipes | No Comments
Something light, fresh and nutritious to accompany any BBQ. This will also last in your fridge for a good few days. And you can use any type of quinoa it…

#26 Gluten

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #26 GLUTEN IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH.⠀ The reason this has come about is purely through anecdotal results. That’s when individual people report “I cut out gluten and I…

#25 Green tea

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #25 GREEN TEA Commonly assumed as a master of all teas with benefits such as improved skin, assistance with weight loss and speeding up metabolism. But just what…

#24 Activated charcoal

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #24 ACTIVATED CHARCOAL⠀ Have you seen those black croissants that were all the rage in London last year? Made with activated charcoal and supposedly great for your health. They just…

#23 The detox

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #23 THE DETOX⠀ Hands up, I’ve used this term before, I’m pretty sure most of us have. However the truth is that #detoxingyour body from food simply does not work. Humans…

#22 Vitamin drips

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #22 VITAMIN DRIPS ?⠀ I spoke about these in my stories earlier this week but for those who missed it here’s a pretty short and sharp update for you.⠀ There…

#21 Too tired

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #21 will not be appearing this week, too tired, post holiday sh*t to get done, work tomorrow, need some sleep, life.

#20 The sweet vs the standard potato

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #20 THE SWEET VS THE STANDARD POTATO⠀ This one’s a goodie, what’s the deal with sweet potato being the best thing since sliced bread? And is it actually? Why…

#19 Starvation mode

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #19 STARVATION MODE I’ve been asked this countless times and after last weeks poll, it was a clear winner for this weeks topic. Is there such a thing…

#18 Fasted or Fed

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #18 FASTED OR FED⠀ In light of yesterday’s insta story I wanted to elaborate a little on this one.⠀ Many people (still) believe that exercising first thing in the morning,…

#17 Food or exercise for fat loss?

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #17 FOOD OR EXERCISE FOR FAT LOSS: I hear it quite a lot “yeah but I’ve started exercising and I’m still not losing weight.”⠀ Truth is, for fat loss what…

#16 Coconut oil

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #16 Coconut oil, the most superior oil in the world right? Hmmm let’s see...⠀ Coconut oil started becoming trendy in the U.K. about 5 years ago and has since apparently…

#15 Sweeteners⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #15 Sweeteners I blogged on this last year which is useful for further reading, however wanted to write up a short summary for anyone who just wants to know…

#14 Milk and dairy

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #14 Milk an dairy: but mostly milk because to cover dairy as an entire category is too much information for a Sunday.⠀ It was posed to me at a workshop…

#13 Good food vs bad food vs just food

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #13 Good food vs bad food vs just food: think about that for a minute.⠀ I’m getting pretty fed up of hearing people use a “feeling” or “emotion” to…

#12 Fructose makes you fat

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #12 Fructose makes you fat. But does it though? It is a commonly asked question that the consumption of fructose contributes to weight gain or is even solely…

#11 Food Intolerance Tests⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #11 Food Intolerance Tests⠀ These are on the rise, in most cases you just “simply” take a blood sample and send it away and you’ll receive a list of all…

#10 Eggs⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #10 Eggs⠀ Hit the headlines yesterday (16 March 2019) with claims eating them increased the risk of heart disease and early death. This causes problems for a number of reasons.…

 #9 Protein powder will make you too bulky?⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #9 Protein powder will make you too bulky?⠀ This one is predominantly aimed at my lady followers because it’s something I get asked and want to set the record straight.⠀…

#8 Turmeric

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #8 Turmeric This recent craze has seen turmeric appear in everything from hot drinks and juice shots to salads to flavoured pastries. Turmeric has been used in Asian culture, medicine…

#7 Kale

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #7 Kale⠀ To begin with I’m going to get my biases towards kale out in the open. I just don’t like it. Therefore I pretty much never eat it. Cooked,…

#6 Slimming World

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #6 Slimming World⠀ Yep that’s right. Any business that teaches you to allocate foods as good or bad, syn or free, green or red, A or B is basically giving…

#5 Aloe Vera (AV)⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #5 Aloe Vera (AV)⠀ You know the plant and stuff you put on your skin when you get sunburnt.⠀ Over recent years food innovation has seen this hit the shelves…

#4 CARBS Are they good? Are they bad?

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #4 CARBS Are they good. Are they bad? Firstly it’s imperative to point out that no one food, or food group is good or bad. Challenge yourself with this thought…

#3 Himalayan Pink Salt

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #3 Himalayan Pink Salt. This one came through on my DMs last week and with good reason. Since the pink stuff landed on our shelves it’s been advocated to contain…

#2 Apple cider vinegar. Whether it’s a drink, a shot or a tablet it’s #fakenews⠀

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #2:Apple cider vinegar.Whether it’s a drink, a shot or a tablet it’s #fakenews⠀ This one’s been around for quite a few years now and its claims include detox, better skin,…

#1 CELERY JUICE: don’t believe the hype

| Sunday Shutdown Series | No Comments
SUNDAY SHUTDOWN #1 CELERY JUICE: don’t believe the hype.⠀ Promoted by endless celebs and holistic health gurus as a slimming aid, detoxifier and cure of ill health (amongst other things) there…

Have we been overplaying hydration?

| Food for thought, Hydration, Rants | No Comments
Something I’ve recently learnt more about is one of the most basic things that we tend to over complicate. Our bodies are over 70% water, that means it’s important to…

The Planetary Health Diet

| Food for thought, Guidelines, Tips | No Comments
Overview Late last month a report was launched by the EAT Lancet Commission about the dire state of the global food system and what we need to do to fix…


| Food for thought | No Comments
3 nights, 2 days, probably the perfect amount of time for us to spend in what can only be described as the hub of continental Asia. As it was technically…

Low calorie sweeteners

| Food for thought | No Comments
It’s something I hear all the time, “yeah but they are just as bad as sugar aren’t they?” Not entirely no. There is usually a point made about them being…

Fat shaming and the normalisation of plus sized bodies

| Food for thought | No Comments
This is something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. And before anyone reading this gets their back up, please read on first! I’ve been pondering on how…

Omega 3: supplement or not to supplement? That is the question.

| Food for thought, Guidelines, Media Responses | No Comments
Last week we saw the media share their views on the recent Cochrane review, omega 3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. In the UK…

Food in Morocco part 1 – Marrakech

| Food for thought | No Comments
We’ve been getting itchy feet about going on holiday as it’s been quite a while. I’m such an avid traveller that having such a big break between trips actually made…

Protein water, two words which should never be paired

| Food for thought, Rants | No Comments
I know……it’s not new and in the last twelve months we’ve seen protein added to a plethora of products. Some for good reason and others not so much. In the…


| Food for thought, Media Responses | No Comments
In the last 10 days the media have saturated us with a few main headlines relating to food and diets. The first being ultra-processed foods and cancer and the second…

Store cupboard essentials

| Food for thought | No Comments
A few people have asked me recently about what I keep in my cupboards to whip up quick meals or lunchboxes when inspiration and energy is lacking. Luckily I’m quite…

The Deal With Vitamin D

| Food for thought, Guidelines, Vitamins | No Comments
Personally and professionally, I’m not one for supplements and believe that an adequate balanced diet incorporating all the major food groups with lots of fruit and veg should do it.…

Is Meat So Mighty After All?

| Food for thought | No Comments
Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently you’ll know that meat has been making headlines on both the health, animal welfare and sustainability fronts. With new research being released…

Pushing The Limit With Protein

| Food for thought | No Comments
Working not only as a nutritionist, but also as a fitness coach means my exposure to the misinformed is way above average. And protein ranks high on the agenda. The…

So You Quit Sugar?

| Food for thought | No Comments
Sugar – the demon? Well not really… “I’m off sugar” – my bestie said to me one day on the phone. I sarcastically rolled my eyes and thought here we…